Monday, February 14, 2011

Domino affect?

Uprising, war, revolt, I wonder if the people who become the catalysts know what they're beginning? Tunisia, a man abused and ashamed with a college degree is trying to sell fruit to make money to support his family. Police ridicule him, so as an act of defiance and desperation he sets himself on fire. Did he ever think that he would start the revolution of our era? First Tunisia, then Egypt and now it's spreading to many more countries who have been unhappy for some time with the conditions they live in. All because one man was fed up.
What actions are we taking to spark a revolution? Those paying attention say that our generation was raised in a more connected world, a world where we triumph in the freedom and victories of others. This is easily seen as countries all over the world and celebrating with Egypt, as they celebrated with Tunisia and as more and more countries are fighting back.
This global support should mean more change, we should be supporting the causes we believe in, taking the actions that no one else is taking to make our world a better place. Maybe the step we take will be celebrated around the world, is that the new way of being immortalized? Is revolution the new black?

credit to AP

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